Shares of Yes Bank, South Indian Bank, Bank of Maharashtra rose up to 5% on January 3 as the lenders posted strong business performance in the third quarter. Yes Bank reported nearly 15% YoY jump in deposits in December quarter at Rs 2.77 lakh crore. The Mumbai-based lender's loans and advances rose 13% to Rs 2.45 lakh crore.
Open FlipVeteran emerging market investor Mark Mobius believes India's export-oriented companies will benefit from a weakening Rupee as well as the incoming Trump administration, as the country stands to benefit from being the natural choice for manufacturing, after China, given the reforms that have been taking place. In conversation with CNBC-TV18, Mark Mobius of Mobius Emerging Markets Fund.
Open FlipCloud mining firm BitFuFu is expanding its operations with an agreement to buy up to 80,000 S-series miners from Chinese mining hardware giant Bitmain. Singapore-based cloud Bitcoin miner BitFuFu has signed a two-year agreement with mining hardware giant Bitmain to purchase as many as 80,000 Bitcoin miners.
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