Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated a 13-km section of the Delhi-Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) corridor from Sahibabad in Uttar Pradesh to New Ashok Nagar here. Modi also took a ride on a Namo Bharat train from Sahibabad station to New Ashok Nagar station. During his journey, the prime minister interacted with children and people.
Open FlipIndia's eight major office markets saw a 6 per cent annual decline in fresh supply of workspaces during 2024, even as the demand hit an all-time high, according to Cushman & Wakefield. Real estate consultant Cushman & Wakefield (C&W) data showed that new supply of office space stood at 451.5 lakh square feet in 2024 as against 477.9 lakh sq ft in the preceding year.
Open FlipSpot gold traded between $2595 (December 30) and $2665 (January 3) in the week ended January 3.The metal gained upward traction on new year fund inflows and concerns about the Chinese economy as China’s manufacturing PMI disappointed. It peaked at $2665 on better-than-expected US ISM manufacturing PMI. The metal closed with a loss of 0.71% at $2640 on Friday.
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