Money market accounts (MMAs) can be a great place to store your cash if you're looking for a relatively high interest rate along with liquidity and flexibility. Unlike traditional savings accounts, MMAs typically offer better returns, and they may also provide check-writing privileges and debit card access. This makes these accounts ideal for holding long-term savings.
Open FlipDalmia Bharat's Q2FY25 revenue dropped 2% YoY due to lower realizations, despite an 8% YoY volume increase. EBITDA fell 26% YoY, with margins declining to 14.1%. The company guides for long-term EBITDA of Rs. 1,100-1,200/tonne and expects cost reductions of Rs. 150-200/ton in 3 years. The target price is Rs. 2,080, maintaining a BUY rating.
Open FlipThe US economy's strong growth, driven by productivity gains and a growing workforce, is not expected to overheat, and the Fed should support it by keeping interest rates low, while policymakers should focus on encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation to sustain the growth momentum. Real GDP is on track to exceed its pre-pandemic trend for the second straight year.
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