Axis Bank's shares fell 4.4% to ₹992 after the lender posted weaker-than-expected earnings in its December quarter, driven by higher credit costs and loan book concerns. The Bank Nifty index also declined 1.5%, with most of its constituents falling, as investors remain cautious on Axis Bank's inconsistent quarterly numbers and growth prospects.
Open FlipHindalco Industries Ltd on Friday said that it aims to replace diesel vehicles with electric vehicles across all plants in the country as part of its goal to become a net-zero carbon emission company. The company stated that it has flagged off a fleet of electric bulkers at its Aditya Aluminium plant in Odisha for supplying one million tonnes of fly ash to the cement industry in the state.
Open FlipThe Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) report released on January 17 said stickiness in food inflation warrants careful monitoring of second-order effects. “Headline inflation eased for the second successive month in December, although the stickiness in food inflation warrants careful monitoring of second-order effects,” the RBI bulletin said.
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