Bengaluru-based Hitachi Energy India Limited announced plans to raise funds of an aggregate amount not exceeding ₹4,200 crore. The company’s Board of Directors approved the proposal during a meeting held on January 18, 2025. The funds may be raised through equity shares or other securities, including convertible debentures, warrants, or preference shares.
Open FlipYou might call it a golden opportunity. Some yacht owners like to be inconspicuous. That’s not the case for the owner of the 162-foot Khalilah, whose sports yacht is painted gleaming gold, has its own matching miniature chase boat and has a unique carbon-fiber construction that ensures reduced fuel consumption and maximum efficiency.
Open FlipFile photo BHUBANESWAR: Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) has decided to develop an online platform for settlement of land-related issues between the shrine body and the public. Currently, individuals occupying temple lands submit manual applications to SJTA for property sale or transfer.
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