Bharat Electronics share price will remain in focus on January 14 after the company secured additional orders worth Rs 561 crores. The orders include communication equipment, electro optics, upgrades for satcom network, radar & fire control system, spares, services etc. With these orders, the company has now accumulated orders totalling Rs 10,362 crore in the current financial year.
Open FlipInvestors are expecting Indian stocks to post another quarter of losses as a slowdown in economic growth and sticky inflation hurt corporate earnings and foreign flows. The benchmark NSE Nifty 50 Index will likely drop at least 5% in the three-months through March, according to a majority of 22 strategists and fund managers in an informal survey conducted by Bloomberg early this month.
Open Flip📊 Amid positive global cues, benchmark indices started on a positive note today. 📢 At 9:16 AM, the Sensex gained 392.89 points or 0.51% at 76,722.90. Nifty is higher by 115.15 points or 0.50% at 23,201.10. 📈 Zomato (⬆️2.86%), BSE (⬆️2.49%) and Biocon (⬆️1.70%) appeared as the top performers on the Nifty50 at the open. HCL Tech, Angel One stocks are in focus today.
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